Travel Around the World?
Today, I read an article by the New York Times talking about the cost of travel to the environment. (Check it out here) Basically, it doesn't speak about your commute to the grocery store kind of travel but rather the travel one takes for vacation or business. From worse to the worst are as follows: car, plane, boat/cruise.
One of my goals is to see the world, become as cultured as I can. I had plans to take a 2 week trip in Europe in the next few years. This article made me think, can I give that up? Even my plans to move to Washington seemed unfair to the planet. Driving back home, Texas and Wisconsin, is hard enough as is from Colorado. I had planned to fly back for holidays, Christmas and Thanksgiving. This article has put me on the precipice of sacrificing 2 somethings important to me. The thought came up that those things, Europe and family, could be gone tomorrow. Even though that is possible, it's not like I'm leaving to see them right this second. Besides, we live in the world of technology. I can still be apart of my family's life via that.
There's a website that can help you calculate your carbon emission between flying and driving. It can help you decide which way to travel. (Check it out here)
I've now noticed just how much I'm sacrificing to try and do my part for the planet. Changing my diet has so far been the biggest until now. I miss meat and especially cheese. I changed not just what I eat but where I eat as well. I no longer eat at establishments that use one-use products. No more food trucks.
While at a music festival this week, I noticed that there was no water refill stations. Of course, the food trucks were selling plastic water bottles. It's summer. This means people are sitting in the sun. We need water yet, you want us to not only pay for it, but it's in plastic. I watched an older man throw his half drunken water bottle in the trash. Once again I've decided, I'm sacrificing having a good time just because a place or event only has plastic water bottles.
Choosing store products over online ones is another. More gas is wasted taking one item to my house than many to one store.
Taking pubic transportation over a Lyft. Public transportation takes a long time but a Lyft driver wastes so much gas just driving around trying to find a ride. Lyft/Uber are convenient. I look forward to automated, energy efficient, non-carbon emitting vehicles.
Let's talk about those one-use items. I've seen compostable utensils in stores now. Don't get me wrong. It's great. Plastic utensils aren't recyclable. I just know the majority of the populous doesn't understand that compostable doesn't mean you can throw it in the trash and it's best for the environment. The best way is to actually compost it. (Learn more about composting here)
On our trip to Washington, our lovely hostess mentioned that she learned from her grandmother to wash and reuse her Ziplock bags. When she told me this, I had the face-palm myself. Why had I not thought of this before?! All these new reusable products are coming out but we can save a buck. Why can't we reuse what everyone thinks are one-use products, plastic bags, utensils, etc. Since then, I have been washing my Ziploc bags, plastic utensils, and using plastic bags when I run out of my canvas ones.
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